Tooth Extractions – Richardson, TX

Removing Teeth as Comfortably as Possible

At Richland Dental in Richardson, Drs. Siddharth and Mansi Talsania strive to help patients keep their natural teeth for as long as possible. Ideally, your teeth should last a lifetime! Unfortunately, however, there are some circumstances that necessitate tooth extractions. If you ever find yourself in such a situation, you can rely on us to remove your teeth as comfortably as possible. We will also make sure you understand your options for tooth replacement.

Why Choose Richland Dental for Tooth Extractions? 

  • Gentle & Compassionate Treatment
  • Easy Payment Options
  • State-of-the-Art Tooth Replacement

Reasons Why Tooth Extractions Are Necessary

The most common reasons for tooth extractions are:

  • Infection. In some cases, we must remove a tooth in order to prevent an infection from spreading into nearby tissues.
  • Tooth decay. If the decay is severe enough that it cannot be repaired with a filling, crown, or other restorative treatment, tooth removal may be necessary.
  • Crowding. In some cases, we must remove teeth in order to make room for orthodontic treatment or dentures.
  • Advanced gum disease. Severe gum disease can compromise the tissues supporting the teeth.
  • A baby tooth has overstayed its welcome. We may remove such a tooth to make space for incoming adult teeth.

The Process of Removing a Tooth


The tooth extraction process is usually pretty straightforward. First, we will numb your mouth, so you can expect to feel little to nothing while our team is working. Once you are comfortable, we will use an instrument called an elevator to lift the tooth out of its socket. Then, we will grip the tooth with forceps and gently wiggle it in order to break the connective tissues holding it in place. Once the tooth is out, we will clean out its socket and place some gauze to control bleeding.

Before or after your extraction appointment, we may take some time to talk to you about your replacement options. We may recommend that you receive a bridge, dental implant, or denture to reduce your risk of future oral health problems.

Tooth Extraction Aftercare

Here are some tips that can facilitate a smooth recovery after your extraction:

  • Take any medications, such as antibiotics or pain relievers, as directed by our team.
  • After the first 24 hours, start gently rinsing your mouth with warm salt water to reduce swelling and inflammation.
  • Do not smoke.
  • Do not drink through a straw.
  • Do not eat any hard, crunchy, or tough foods. Instead, consume a soft diet.
  • Keep your head propped up on pillows when you sleep.
  • Get plenty of rest.
  • Attend all recommended follow-up appointments with our team.

Most patients are back to feeling normal within a week or two of their extraction procedure.

Tooth Extractions FAQs

Does Getting a Tooth Extracted Hurt?

It’s very common for patients to be concerned if having a tooth extracted will hurt. The good news is that there are several ways we can make both the procedure itself and the healing process virtually pain-free. That starts with thoroughly numbing your mouth and extends to giving you aftercare instructions designed to keep your discomfort to a minimum (i.e., sticking to soft foods, taking OTC pain medication as directed, using a cold compress for 10 minutes at a time).

What Are My Options for Replacing a Missing Tooth?

If you had a tooth removed because it was badly decayed or damaged, then you need to have it replaced (yes, even if no one can see it when you smile). If you don’t, then the teeth surrounding the gap will begin to drift. Plus, the strength of your bite will suffer! To prevent these – and any other – oral health problems from surfacing, we will start the process of replacing your tooth after you’re done healing. There are three options to choose from: dental bridges, dentures, and dental implants. The one that’s right for you will depend largely on how many teeth you’re missing, but don’t worry – we will review the pros of each with you at your appointment so making a decision is easy.

What Can I Do to Speed Up the Healing Time?

If you enjoy working out, you have a demanding job, or you’re a busy parent, you might be curious how you can speed up the healing time. However, resting is extremely important following a tooth extraction! In fact, trying to do too much too soon can lead to several complications, including delayed healing. That’s why we encourage our patients to spend time reading, watching their favorite show, or relaxing outside – we want you to give your body the time it needs to heal.

How Should I Prepare for My Tooth Extraction?

It’s always a good idea to ask your dentist this question because they are familiar with the details of your treatment plan. That said, we can provide you with some general recommendations:

  • Shop for the essentials – In addition to purchasing OTC pain medication, it’s a good idea to fill your pantry and fridge with soft foods, like plain yogurt, applesauce, and ice cream.
  • Arrange for a trusted adult to drive you home – Whether you had sedation or you’re simply tired from the procedure, you’ll be glad you don’t have to drive afterward.
  • Put everything you need in one place – Keep water bottles, soft snacks, OTC pain medication, and everything else you need beside your bed or couch so it’s always within reach.

Can I Smoke After Getting a Tooth Extracted?

Since smoking can delay the healing process, the answer is “no.” In addition to not using cigars, cigarettes, and other tobacco products before your tooth extraction procedure, you should steer clear of them for at least two weeks afterward.

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